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Extended duration of immunity in a new coccidiosis vaccine for breeders and layers

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Bech G., Ros M. Sitjà M, March R, Pagès M

Duration of immunity of EVALON® was studied under laboratory conditions in facilities that impaired the introduction of external Eimeria oocysts and that do not favour reinfections. The DOI was evaluated during 60 weeks. At 14, 28, 40 and 60 weeks post-vaccination a group of vaccinated and control birds were inoculated with separate Eimeria challenges using heterologous reference challenge strains.

Duration of immunity of EVALON® was studied under laboratory conditions in facilities that impaired the introduction of external Eimeria oocysts and that do not favour reinfections. The DOI was evaluated during 60 weeks. At 14, 28, 40 and 60 weeks post-vaccination a group of vaccinated and control birds were inoculated with separate Eimeria challenges using heterologous reference challenge strains.

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