
HIPRA at your side to guarantee service (COVID-19)


Given the exceptional nature of the current situation caused by the international coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, at HIPRA our priority is to safeguard the health of those around us whilst at the same time guaranteeing the delivery of all our products and services.

We are therefore informing you that we have adopted a series of compromise measures for all our employees, enabling those whose job allows it to work remotely, and establishing a series of specific safety protocols for those who have to travel, at all times in accordance with the guidelines issued by the World Health Organization (WHO).

On the other hand, for us it is a duty and an act of responsibility towards society to keep up our normal levels of production, as we are part of the food supply chain and our products are considered to be basic essentials.

This is why we are continuing to work to guarantee the distribution and delivery of our products, looking for the best transport options so that the current international restrictions on movement affect us as little as possible.

Finally, we would like to say a huge thank-you for the efforts of all the field veterinariansfarmersproducersdistributors and other Animal Health professionals who, despite the adversity, continue to do their jobs and demonstrate their commitment to public health. 

Our entire team is at your disposal to provide any assistance or support that you may need in order to carry out your professional activity in these truly extraordinary times.