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Attenuated vaccine for coccidosis in broilers specifically developed to be administered by in ovo injection.
* This project has received financial support from the CDTI (Spanish Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology).
Related services
Get your full poultry vaccination plan encompassing all essential data for avian vaccination.
HIPRA has developed a serial of services englobed under the new GLOBAL HATCHERY HEALTH PROGRAMME (GHHP), the new service for hatcheries that will bring innovation and real-time control of the HEALTH of the hatchery.
Smart Vaccination by HIPRA is a revolutionary concept that combines: A smart vaccine including RFID technology in its label, a vaccination device which ensures precision and efficiency, and a new world of digital solutions in HIPRAlink Vaccination. All these elements are developed internally by HIPRA.
In Poultry, the HIPRA Smart Vaccination is spearheaded by our innovative vaccines GUMBOHATCH®, EVANT® and EVALON® , the medical devices Hipraject® and Hipraspray®, and the professional veterinary app HIPRAlink® Vaccination.
An innovative service based on data analysis that facilitates decision-making in Poultry
HIPRA Stats is a data analysis service for animal production companies.
Hipraspray® is a specific vaccination spray device that ensures accuracy, precision, consistency and reliability.
Hipraject® is an intelligent vaccination device for subcutaneous injection in chicks
HIPRA University offers high quality training programmes in strategic areas of interest for professionals
This programme allows you to calculate the optimal dilution of EVANT® & EVALON® for the best coarse spray administration.
This programme allows you to calculate the optimal vaccination date against IBD (infectious bursal disease)
HIPRA has specially developed several online tools to support veterinarians and other Animal Health professionals in their daily work.