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Malasia acoge el curso teórico-práctico de HIPRA University sobre la enfermedad del Metapneumovirus Aviar


Theoretical & Practical HIPRA University course on Avian Metapneumovirus disease takes place in Malaysia

Avian Metapneumovirus has been attracting more attention amongst poultry producers in South East Asia. There is an immediate demand for intensive training on this disease where HIPRA is considered the leader in Avian Metapneumovirus prevention in poultry.

From 31st July to 1st Aug 2019, HIPRA organized a Hipra University course focusing on Avian Metapneumovirus in the Faculty of Veterinary MedicineUniversity Putra Malaysia.


32 veterinarians from Malaysia and Thailand participated in this programme. The course was divided into two sessions, namely: lectures and practical sessions.

The lecture session was held on 31st July, focusing on Avian Metapneumovirus disease, diagnosiscontrolpreventionnecropsy procedures and sampling for respiratory diseases. This session provided in-depth information with field experience detailing to enable participants to be well informed on the disease and its management. 


On 1st August, the practical session started by separating participants into groups assigned to broilerslayers and breeders to provide them with real case studies and to encourage active participation.

The participants had a very good brainstorming session and gained good knowledge from the real case studies. Following this, the necropsy session provided hands-on necropsy procedures especially for identification of respiratory tract disease lesions and tissue sampling for further testing.


This practical session ended with a test to evaluate the participants’ level of understanding on this programme.

The course is accredited by The CPD Certification Service (an independent accreditation body) and is part of the HIPRA University continuing education programme that offers customized training solutions for veterinarians.


With this initiative, HIPRA emphasizes its commitment to Prevention in both Animal Health and aMPV disease.