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HIPRA continues to lead prevention with the seminar "25 things to fight against African Swine Fever"

ASF disease: A global threat

It seems clear that ASF (African Swine Fever) is today the most important threat of the global swine industry.

However, we have to bear in mind that it is not only a problem affecting China or the Asian continent, and it is not either exclusively a problem of the swine species, as it will affect other species as well. This disease is having a huge impact on the global economy as a result of the imbalance in the supply of protein that is causing the disease.

Given this situation and with the aim of providing solutions to producerscompanies and veterinarians, HIPRA has presented in China the seminar "25 things to fight against African swine fever".


This initiative has the collaboration of two prestigious institutions such as the University of Minnesota (USA) and the Harbin Veterinary Institute (China).

Unfortunately, and despite the enormous efforts of the producers, veterinarians and local and central authorities, the disease continues to expand in this country advancing by leaps and bounds.

First key to fight ASF: Knowing our enemy

The launch of "25 tips to fight against the African Swine Fever" started with the presentation "Knowing our enemy: the ASF virus".

Rafa Pedrazuela (HIPRA) reviewed the fundamental aspects of the epidemiology of the virus with the aim of being able to control its diffusion more effectively, emphasizing the importance of knowing how it is expanding among the different provinces, companies or even within the farms.

Eradication of ASF: The Russian experience 

For his part, Gustavo López (University of Minnesota), shared his experience with the attendees within two presentations under the title "Experiences of ASF eradication in Russia".

Previously, López was the technical manager of the Russian group Cherkizhovo and managed to eradicate the ASF within a large swine production company.

His papers dealt with preventioncontainmenthygienedisinfectionmanagement and repopulation strategies of farm animals.

This last one attracted great interest among the public since, nowadays and after the first waves of outbreaks, the Chinese swine production is trying to recover through this system.

The real situation in China: 50% of pigs have disappeared

Huaji Qiu (Harbin Veterinary Research Institute) focused and deepened on the real situation of the ASF in China and how to fight it taking into account the conditions that the country is suffering.

He reviewed the characteristics of the current virus as well as the fundamental aspects that concern the sector and the future of the disease. Although there are no specific data, it is estimated that today 50% of the Chinese pig population has disappeared.

The Seminar: A great success

The session, which featured exceptional biosecurity measures, had a live attendance of around 200 people and more than 200,000 people could follow in streaming all the presentations and interact with the speakers through questions made from an app.

With this initiative, HIPRA, once again, reinforces its commitment to the global swine sector and prevention as a reference for animal health.