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HIPRA INDIA holds the Hatchery Solutions event


The Hatchery Solutions event was held on 9th May 2023 at the Hotel Jaypee Palace in Agra, the city of the Taj Mahal (India) to launch Evant® and Gumbohatch®.

Evant® is a live vaccine against coccidiosis in broilers and Gumbohatch® is an immune complex vaccine against infectious bursal disease. The grand launch event was held in the presence of almost 120 eminent poultry producers and consultants from all India.

poultry vaccines india

The event was opened by Dr. Shyam Vane, Business Manager at HIPRA India, who delivered a powerful speech building anticipation for the big reveal and emphasized the potential benefits of using Evant® and Gumbohatch®.

Dr. Subramanyam Bhatt, renowned expert in coccidiosis in India, presented the current coccidiosis scenario in commercial broilers across India and his success story of using HIPRA coccidiosis vaccine in his farms. After that, Dr. Pradip Doiphode, TSM at HIPRA India, shared his views on the IBD scenario in India that needs to be tackled with an effective hatchery vaccine.

hatchery solutions india

The event was also attended by Joan Molist & Michelle Woodward, Global Product Managers from HIPRA HQ. Joan presented the technical knowhow related to coccidiosis vaccines and its potential to replace coccidiostats effectively. Moreover, he shared the benefits of using Evant® and how this vaccine can improve the gut health status of the birds and their efficiency in comparison with other coccidiosis strategies.

Michelle shared the benefits of Gumbohatch®, a new generation of immune complex vaccine that provides an efficient protection to chicks against Gumboro, improving the negative consequences of this harmful disease.

poultry vaccines india

In addition, Mr. Myeongseob Kim, Regional Technical & Marketing Specialist, spoke about the services provided by HIPRA in order to provide support and benefits for HIPRA’s vaccines users.

With these product launches, HIPRA is reaffirmed as the worldwide reference in the control of coccidiosis & gumboro in poultry broiler industry and bringing a crucial range of solutions for the Indian market.