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HIPRA participated as a Gold Sponsor in the ISCV 2017 in Harrogate


On the occasion of the 9th ISVC, HIPRA invited over 60 veterinarians from various Mediterranean countries to participate in the event.

For the whole of 23rd May, delegates were able to participate in the two sessions on mastitis specifically sponsored by HIPRA. During the first session, different studies carried out with VIMCO® (inactivated vaccine against caprine and ovine mastitis, in injectable emulsion) were presented, amongst others, which demonstrated its efficacy against subclinical mastitis and the impact of this on milk production and the reduction in the somatic cell count.

These studies were presented by Natalia Vasileiou (University of Thessaly, Greece); Miguel Ángel Sanz (small ruminants specialist at HIPRA ESPAÑA); Yasar Ergün (Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey); Stephanie D’Esquermes (Technical and Marketing Manager, HIPRA FRANCE) and Konstantinos Gianniotis (field veterinarian, Greece).

Another technical meeting sponsored by HIPRA was the Workshop on mastitis in small ruminants in southern Europe. Renowned international experts such as Antonello Cannas (Italy), Dominique Bergonier (France), Natalia Vasileiou (Greece), Vasiliki Marvogianni (Greece), Ana Martí de Olives (Spain), Ioannis Petridis (Greece) and George Fthenakis (Greece) took part in this session. They all dealt with points of interest concerning mastitis in flocks of small ruminants, including nutrition, the somatic cell count, the production of staphylococcal biofilm, the effect of subclinical mastitis on milk quality and the importance of vaccination as part of the mastitis control programme.

In addition to the technical sessions included in the congress programme, HIPRA also organized meetings with experts at its own stand. These involved the participation of three opinion leaders in the area of mastitis: George Fthenakis (University of Thessaly, Greece), Yasar Ergün (Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey) and Dominique Bergonier (École National vétérinaire de Toulouse (ENVT), France), amongst others. During the meetings, participants were able to benefit from an informal chat about the main problems of mastitis that they encountered on a day-to-day basis.

With these initiatives, HIPRA demonstrates and strengthens its commitment to the small ruminants industry and its support for a future based on prevention, as well as collaborating in the dissemination of knowledge between professionals in the industry, thereby consolidating its position as the reference in prevention for animal health.

On the occasion of the 9th ISVC, HIPRA invited over 60 veterinarians from various Mediterranean countries to participate in the event.

For the whole of 23rd May, delegates were able to participate in the two sessions on mastitis specifically sponsored by HIPRA. During the first session, different studies carried out with VIMCO® (inactivated vaccine against caprine and ovine mastitis, in injectable emulsion) were presented, amongst others, which demonstrated its efficacy against subclinical mastitis and the impact of this on milk production and the reduction in the somatic cell count.

These studies were presented by Natalia Vasileiou (University of Thessaly, Greece); Miguel Ángel Sanz (small ruminants specialist at HIPRA ESPAÑA); Yasar Ergün (Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey); Stephanie D’Esquermes (Technical and Marketing Manager, HIPRA FRANCE) and Konstantinos Gianniotis (field veterinarian, Greece).

Another technical meeting sponsored by HIPRA was the Workshop on mastitis in small ruminants in southern Europe. Renowned international experts such as Antonello Cannas (Italy), Dominique Bergonier (France), Natalia Vasileiou (Greece), Vasiliki Marvogianni (Greece), Ana Martí de Olives (Spain), Ioannis Petridis (Greece) and George Fthenakis (Greece) took part in this session. They all dealt with points of interest concerning mastitis in flocks of small ruminants, including nutrition, the somatic cell count, the production of staphylococcal biofilm, the effect of subclinical mastitis on milk quality and the importance of vaccination as part of the mastitis control programme.

In addition to the technical sessions included in the congress programme, HIPRA also organized meetings with experts at its own stand. These involved the participation of three opinion leaders in the area of mastitis: George Fthenakis (University of Thessaly, Greece), Yasar Ergün (Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey) and Dominique Bergonier (École National vétérinaire de Toulouse (ENVT), France), amongst others. During the meetings, participants were able to benefit from an informal chat about the main problems of mastitis that they encountered on a day-to-day basis.

With these initiatives, HIPRA demonstrates and strengthens its commitment to the small ruminants industry and its support for a future based on prevention, as well as collaborating in the dissemination of knowledge between professionals in the industry, thereby consolidating its position as the reference in prevention for animal health.