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HIPRA takes part in the XXIIIth AVEDILA symposium


HIPRA took part in the XXIIIth AVEDILA (Association of Veterinarians Specializing in Veterinary Diagnostics) Symposium on 15th and 16th November 2018 in Granada (Spain).

The focus of the congress was to present and distribute scientific studies on diagnostics in animal health. HIPRA sponsored and awarded the prize for the best oral presentation.

As a representative of HIPRA, Alba Sánchez, UCAM Higher Level Technician from Diagnos, presented an oral paper entitled “Use of FTA Elute cards to improve the diagnosis of swine atrophic rhinitis by real time PCR using oral fluid samples”.

Sandra Gascón, Corporate Product Manager for CIVTEST (ELISA kits), presented a poster entitled “Monitoring of calves vaccinated against BHV-1 comparing an indirect ELISA and a seroneutralization blocking ELISA”.

With its presence at the XXIIIth AVEDILA Symposium, HIPRA consolidates and strengthens its commitment to veterinary diagnostics. 


