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HIPRA UNIVERSITY: Theoretical and practical course on Gumboro Disease in Bangkok


The “Theoretical and practical course on Gumboro Disease”, organized by HIPRA, took place place on 26th and 27th July at the Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok.

The course brought together 60 poultry veterinarians from 8 different Asian countries (Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, India, Myanmar and Bangladesh) to improve their knowledge on this highly prevalent disease and share the latest developments in diagnosis as well as to design control programmes for proper disease prevention.

The course was delivered in 5 sessions, with the participation of Prof. Dr Jiroj Sasipreeyajan, from Chulalongkorn University and Dr. Marta Busquet, Dr. Michelle Woodward, Dr. Ong Shyong Wey and Dr. Myeong Seob Kim from HIPRA, who gave the presentations and conducted the practical sessions for the improvement of the knowledge and skills of the participants.

The Chulalongkorn University made its facilities available for the necropsy session on chickens, in which post-vaccination lesions were displayed and identified for training in necropsy procedures and sample collection. The participants were provided with HIPRA necropsy kits to complete the necropsy training session.

This course is certified by the CPD certification service and is part of the HIPRA UNIVERSITY continuing education programme, that offers tailor-made training programmes for veterinarians.

With this initiative, HIPRA strengthens its commitment to Prevention in Animal Health and Gumboro disease.