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HIPRA PORTUGAL organised a technical symposium on PRRS & swine Influenza


The activities started with an introduction from Nuno Marques (Business Manager HIPRA PORTUGAL), who gave a description of the company’s position internationally and in Portugal, sharing with those in attendance some projects and services that HIPRA makes available to production, and the commitment that the company has for the future in this area.

The next presentation, led by David Llopart (Regional Technical & Marketing Manager Europe), addressed critical factors for optimising vaccination against these two diseases, as well as key aspects on the immunology of pigs, which are important for maximising the immune response and improving the health status of the herd.

Albert Finestra (Veterinary Consultant) then presented his own experience in controlling these diseases, in the specific circumstances of present-day Spanish production, and introduced some challenges to make the audience reflect on control strategies depending on the situation of each herd.

Pedro Lopes (Veterinary Consultant) shared his experience of practical cases in Portugal, in which the specific characteristics of domestic production make controlling PRRS a constant challenge. This view was shared by those present during the lively Q&A session.

At the end of the session, Gil Sena (Technical & Marketing Manager HIPRA PORTUGALl) summed up one year of use of Hipradermic®, the intradermal application device in pigs, and Hipralink®, the application developed by HIPRA that enables full traceability of the vaccination procedures with Hipradermic®.


The activities started with an introduction from Nuno Marques (Business Manager HIPRA PORTUGAL), who gave a description of the company’s position internationally and in Portugal, sharing with those in attendance some projects and services that HIPRA makes available to production, and the commitment that the company has for the future in this area.

The next presentation, led by David Llopart (Regional Technical & Marketing Manager Europe), addressed critical factors for optimising vaccination against these two diseases, as well as key aspects on the immunology of pigs, which are important for maximising the immune response and improving the health status of the herd.

Albert Finestra (Veterinary Consultant) then presented his own experience in controlling these diseases, in the specific circumstances of present-day Spanish production, and introduced some challenges to make the audience reflect on control strategies depending on the situation of each herd.

Pedro Lopes (Veterinary Consultant) shared his experience of practical cases in Portugal, in which the specific characteristics of domestic production make controlling PRRS a constant challenge. This view was shared by those present during the lively Q&A session.

At the end of the session, Gil Sena (Technical & Marketing Manager HIPRA PORTUGALl) summed up one year of use of Hipradermic®, the intradermal application device in pigs, and Hipralink®, the application developed by HIPRA that enables full traceability of the vaccination procedures with Hipradermic®.