
“Updating key concepts in Swine production” by HIPRA UNIVERSITY


Veterinarians from the principal companies in South Korea were able to attend different presentations and amongst the principal subjects dealt with were sow management during gestation and lactation, presented by the international consultant Enric Marco (MarcoVet Group), general swine immunology, given by Xavier Gibert and Xavier Rebordosa (R+D, HIPRA), sampling and diagnosis given by Laura Valls (Diagnos, HIPRA), physiology of swine reproduction by Ramon Jordà (Swine Business Unit, HIPRA), management of swine reproduction and how to produce 30 piglets per sow per year, by Lali Coma (Camprodon Coma SLP), and management of weaning and fattening presented by Joan Wennberg (independent veterinary consultant).

Different current and future subjects were also addressed, such as animal welfare, presented by Toni Dalmau (IRTA), or reduction of the use of antibiotics, by Dani Torrents (Corporate Technical Services, HIPRA).

As well as visiting HIPRA’s facilities, the veterinarians also had the opportunity of having meetings with the swine team, and of finding out about the value added approaches offered by the company, such as SMART VACCINATION and HIPRASTATS.

Finally, a seminar was held on swine animal health at the CRESA (Centre de Recerca en Sanitat animal [Animal Health Research Centre]) at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), where different presentations were given on the principal swine diseases.

With the evolution of the HIPRA UNIVERSITY format, HIPRA is going one step forward, consolidating its position as a strategic partner in leading companies in the global swine industry, providing highly effective, distinctive and safe vaccines, and contributing to the training of the best specialists for these companies.


Veterinarians from the principal companies in South Korea were able to attend different presentations and amongst the principal subjects dealt with were sow management during gestation and lactation, presented by the international consultant Enric Marco (MarcoVet Group), general swine immunology, given by Xavier Gibert and Xavier Rebordosa (R+D, HIPRA), sampling and diagnosis given by Laura Valls (Diagnos, HIPRA), physiology of swine reproduction by Ramon Jordà (Swine Business Unit, HIPRA), management of swine reproduction and how to produce 30 piglets per sow per year, by Lali Coma (Camprodon Coma SLP), and management of weaning and fattening presented by Joan Wennberg (independent veterinary consultant).

Different current and future subjects were also addressed, such as animal welfare, presented by Toni Dalmau (IRTA), or reduction of the use of antibiotics, by Dani Torrents (Corporate Technical Services, HIPRA).

As well as visiting HIPRA’s facilities, the veterinarians also had the opportunity of having meetings with the swine team, and of finding out about the value added approaches offered by the company, such as SMART VACCINATION and HIPRASTATS.

Finally, a seminar was held on swine animal health at the CRESA (Centre de Recerca en Sanitat animal [Animal Health Research Centre]) at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), where different presentations were given on the principal swine diseases.

With the evolution of the HIPRA UNIVERSITY format, HIPRA is going one step forward, consolidating its position as a strategic partner in leading companies in the global swine industry, providing highly effective, distinctive and safe vaccines, and contributing to the training of the best specialists for these companies.


Veterinarians from the principal companies in South Korea were able to attend different presentations and amongst the principal subjects dealt with were sow management during gestation and lactation, presented by the international consultant Enric Marco (MarcoVet Group), general swine immunology, given by Xavier Gibert and Xavier Rebordosa (R+D, HIPRA), sampling and diagnosis given by Laura Valls (Diagnos, HIPRA), physiology of swine reproduction by Ramon Jordà (Swine Business Unit, HIPRA), management of swine reproduction and how to produce 30 piglets per sow per year, by Lali Coma (Camprodon Coma SLP), and management of weaning and fattening presented by Joan Wennberg (independent veterinary consultant).

Different current and future subjects were also addressed, such as animal welfare, presented by Toni Dalmau (IRTA), or reduction of the use of antibiotics, by Dani Torrents (Corporate Technical Services, HIPRA).

As well as visiting HIPRA’s facilities, the veterinarians also had the opportunity of having meetings with the swine team, and of finding out about the value added approaches offered by the company, such as SMART VACCINATION and HIPRASTATS.

Finally, a seminar was held on swine animal health at the CRESA (Centre de Recerca en Sanitat animal [Animal Health Research Centre]) at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), where different presentations were given on the principal swine diseases.

With the evolution of the HIPRA UNIVERSITY format, HIPRA is going one step forward, consolidating its position as a strategic partner in leading companies in the global swine industry, providing highly effective, distinctive and safe vaccines, and contributing to the training of the best specialists for these companies.


Veterinarians from the principal companies in South Korea were able to attend different presentations and amongst the principal subjects dealt with were sow management during gestation and lactation, presented by the international consultant Enric Marco (MarcoVet Group), general swine immunology, given by Xavier Gibert and Xavier Rebordosa (R+D, HIPRA), sampling and diagnosis given by Laura Valls (Diagnos, HIPRA), physiology of swine reproduction by Ramon Jordà (Swine Business Unit, HIPRA), management of swine reproduction and how to produce 30 piglets per sow per year, by Lali Coma (Camprodon Coma SLP), and management of weaning and fattening presented by Joan Wennberg (independent veterinary consultant).

Different current and future subjects were also addressed, such as animal welfare, presented by Toni Dalmau (IRTA), or reduction of the use of antibiotics, by Dani Torrents (Corporate Technical Services, HIPRA).

As well as visiting HIPRA’s facilities, the veterinarians also had the opportunity of having meetings with the swine team, and of finding out about the value added approaches offered by the company, such as SMART VACCINATION and HIPRASTATS.

Finally, a seminar was held on swine animal health at the CRESA (Centre de Recerca en Sanitat animal [Animal Health Research Centre]) at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), where different presentations were given on the principal swine diseases.

With the evolution of the HIPRA UNIVERSITY format, HIPRA is going one step forward, consolidating its position as a strategic partner in leading companies in the global swine industry, providing highly effective, distinctive and safe vaccines, and contributing to the training of the best specialists for these companies.