Clostridium (C.) novyi is a gram-positive,obligate an aerobic,and endospore-forming bacteria. C.novyi is classified into 4 strains (A to D type) by the exotoxins, and the lethal and necrotizing alpha toxinis considered to be the principle toxin of the type B strain in pigs. This toxin causes necrosis by increasing permeability of the cell barrier, and disrupting intercellular junctions. So, C.novyi type B commonly causes infectious necrotic hepatitis, so called black diseases, and it has been observed in sheep and other animals. The infected liver uniformly infiltrated with many gas bubbles, so the liver presents a spongy appearance on the cut surface. Although the C.novyi infections are unusual in pigs, cases of sudden death in sows have been reported in Europe. This experiment detected the production of specific antibodies of C.novyi type B toxoid using ELISA in swine sera.
Detection of antibodies of the Clostridium novyi type B toxoid in swine sera
SM Kim; JY Jun; BE Park; JH Jo; JH Han.
第一種對抗豬肺炎黴漿菌 (Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae) 和 PCV2 的皮內注射劑型免針疫苗綜合注射懸液
藍耳病活毒疫苗, 注射用冷凍乾燥凍晶
豬水腫病志賀毒素基因重組純化疫苗, 注射用懸液劑
進行性及非進行性萎縮性鼻炎不活化疫苗, 注射用懸液劑
新生仔豬大腸桿菌及梭菌性下痢與母豬諾維氏梭菌性猝死不活化疫苗, 注射用懸液劑
對抗豬困難梭狀芽孢桿菌 (Clostridioides difficile) 和產氣莢膜桿菌桿菌 (Clostridium perfringens) A 型感染的不活化疫苗注射懸浮液。
豬丹毒桿菌、豬小病毒不活化混合疫苗, 注射用懸液劑
豬丹毒桿菌、豬小病毒及豬鉤端螺旋體不活化混合疫苗, 注射用懸液劑
假性狂犬病gE基因缺損活毒疫苗, 注射用冷凍乾燥凍晶
豬丹毒桿菌不活化菌苗, 注射用懸液劑
豬小病毒不活化疫苗, 注射用懸液劑
肺炎黴漿菌不活化疫苗, 注射用懸液劑
HIPRA 智慧型疫苗接種是一種革命性概念,結合了: 標籤 所含 無線射頻識別系統 (RFID) 技術的 智慧型疫苗、確保精確度和效率的 疫苗接種裝置,以及 HIPRAlink Vaccination的新數位解決方案領域 所有這些要素均由 HIPRA 內部開發。
豬隻 HIPRA 智慧型疫苗接種由我們的創新型 MHYOSPHERE® 豬環狀病毒 (PCV) ID 和 UNISTRAIN® 豬生殖與呼吸症候群 (PRRS) 疫苗, 無針皮內裝置 Hipradermic® ,以及專業獸醫應用程式 HIPRAlink® Vaccination帶頭。
An innovative service based on data analysis that facilitates decision-making in swine
HIPRA Stats 是動物生產公司的資料分析服務。
Hipradermic® 是先進的無針注射裝置,可無線連接豬皮內疫苗接種。
HIPRA 大學為專業人士提供策略領域的高品質訓練計劃