
HIPRA launches the unique combination of two live vaccines for PRRS and Aujesky

HIPRA participated as a principal sponsor in the “27th Hog Convention and Trade Exhibits” which was organized in Cagayan de Oro in the Philippines last April 12, 13 and 14.

The event was attended by over 1000 professionals from the Philippine swine production industry, including veterinarians, producers and breeders. During the convention, HIPRA presented the new combination of two live vaccines which was recently registered in the Philippines: UNISTRAIN® PRRS and AUSKIPRA® GN


There was a great deal of interest amongst the veterinarians and many of them stopped at HIPRA’s stand to find out the details of the combination.

In addition, Joel Miranda, PRRS Brand Manager, gave a presentation during the convention entitled Safety and efficacy of the combined use of UNISTRAIN® PRRS and AUSKIPRA® GN by ID and IM routes in which he spoke of the importance of the combination of vaccines on the farm and presented the technical results of the combination.

This new landmark means that HIPRA is the first global pharmaceutical company to achieve the registration of this combination, thereby reaffirming the company’s commitment to continuing to provide practical and effective solutions for health control in swine production.