
HIPRA runs first-ever certified HIPRA UNIVERSITY course on diagnostics

Throughout June, various regions of Argentina welcomed the first certified HIPRA University course all about “Control of Neospora caninum on cattle farms”.

This first edition of the course was attended by more than 200 specialist cattle vets from all over Argentina.


The course, which was delivered by Luis Miguel Ortega Mora, a Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid and a member of the SALUVET group, and Sandra Gascón Torrens, the Corporate Product Manager for diagnostic kits at HIPRA, explained how to control bovine neosporosis through diagnostics and various biosecurity measures.

During the session, they showed how serology, by means of the CIVTEST® BOVIS NEOSPORA, is an essential and key tool for controlling bovine neosporosis.

They also set out how it is possible to use the CIVTEST® BOVIS NEOSPORA AVIDITY SUPPLEMENT to distinguish between acute infections caused by horizontal transmission from parasites and chronic infections caused by vertical transmission.

With training events like this, HIPRA is reinforcing its commitment to prevention through diagnostics and stressing the importance of continuous training amongst professionals for the development of the cattle sector.