HIPRA HELLAS organized an event called The Coccidiosis Prevention Day last November 2nd in Kastoria, Greece, where more than 30 professionals from leading companies in the poultry industry attended.
The event was developed around seven presentations where several renowned experts shared their knowledge about coccidiosis prevention in poultry. The presentations started with Marta Busquet, Global Franchise Manager at HIPRA, sharing her expertise about the worldwide impact of coccidiosis on the poultry industry. Vasileios Tsiouris, Associate Professor of Avian Pathology at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, conducted a presentation on the advances and challenges in the prevalence and control of avian coccidiosis.
Poultry gastrointestinal health was also a topic of great interest addressed by Carlos Bilello, International Poultry Specialist at De-Heus Global, with his presentation on “Feed preparation for the Integrity of the Gastrointestinal system”.