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HIPRA presents ERAVAC® for the prevention of RHD-2 in companion rabbits


With 230 veterinarians from the industry present, Michelle Woodward (Cuniculture Product Manager) explained the risk of companion rabbits becoming infected with the deadly new virus RHD-2.

She then spoke about the importance of prevention by means of vaccination with ERAVAC®, the first vaccine registered throughout the European Union for the prevention of RHD-2, now also in companion rabbits.

In September 2016, ERAVAC® vaccine was first registered under the centralised procedure by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for the indication fattening rabbits. In April 2018, following submission of the results of experimental studies, approval was given for the use of the vaccine in companion rabbits and for the marketing of a new single-dose presentation suitable for this industry.

With its participation in this type of event, HIPRA reaffirms its commitment to the prevention of RHD-2 and shows its support for the companion animals sector.


With 230 veterinarians from the industry present, Michelle Woodward (Cuniculture Product Manager) explained the risk of companion rabbits becoming infected with the deadly new virus RHD-2.

She then spoke about the importance of prevention by means of vaccination with ERAVAC®, the first vaccine registered throughout the European Union for the prevention of RHD-2, now also in companion rabbits.

In September 2016, ERAVAC® vaccine was first registered under the centralised procedure by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for the indication fattening rabbits. In April 2018, following submission of the results of experimental studies, approval was given for the use of the vaccine in companion rabbits and for the marketing of a new single-dose presentation suitable for this industry.

With its participation in this type of event, HIPRA reaffirms its commitment to the prevention of RHD-2 and shows its support for the companion animals sector.