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Live coccidiosis vaccine for breeders and layers


Pagès, M.; Bech, G.; March, R.; Sitjà, M.; Lillehoj, H.; Dardi, M.; Rubio, J.; del Cacho, E.

Appeared in

WVPA Congress, 2015

The results obtained indicated an extended duration of immunity with EVALON® when administered together with the adjuvanted solvent HIPRAMUNE®T in conditions that do not favour the presence of oocysts in the litter. The duration of immunity could be confirmed at 60 weeks postvaccination.

Appeared in: WVPA Congress, 2015
Authors: Pagès, M.; Bech, G.; March, R.; Sitjà, M.; Lillehoj, H.; Dardi, M.; Rubio, J.; del Cacho, E.

In vaccines designed for layers and breeders, which are long-lived birds, it is of paramount importance to provide extended protection throughout the life cycle. EVALON®’s efficacy is boosted by co-administration with HIPRAMUNE®T.

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