Preweaning calf immunity is the sum of positive and negative impacts that include the peripartum cortisol surge associated with the onset of parturition, the concentration of passively acquired antibody from colostrum, the age of the calf, calf nutrition, concurrent stresses such as new introductions, castration/dehorning, and transport; concurrent disease, and the rate of exposure to infectious agents through natural infection or vaccination. The net effect of these impacts is dependent on the timing at which they occur. To optimally manage calf immunity, the goal is to allow exposure to infection or vaccination that induces maximal immune stimulation with minimal disease.
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- Vaccinating dry cows and calves: with what, when, ...
Vaccinating dry cows and calves: with what, when, and is it effective at protecting the calf?
Woolums, A.
Produits apparentés
Vaccin à marqueur vivant contre le BoHV-1 (gE- tk- double gène supprimé) en émulsion injectable
Vaccin multivalent contre le VRSB, le VDVB de types 1 et 2 et le VPI de type 3 en émulsion injectable.
Vaccin multivalent contre le VRSB, la RIB, le VDVB de types 1 et 2 et le VPI de type 3 en émulsion injectable.
Vaccin vivant contre le virus respiratoire syncytial bovin (VRSB), en suspension injectable ou en spray nasal pour les bovins.
Vaccin de sous-unité contre la mastite causée par Streptococcus uberis, en émulsion injectable
Vaccin polyvalent inactivé contre la mammite bovine, en émulsion injectable
Vaccin inactivé contre la pneumonie causée par Histophilus somni et la leucotoxine de Mannheimia haemolytica, en émulsion injectable
Vaccin vivant (double délétion dans les gènes codant pour gE-/tk-) contre le virus IBR, en lyophilisat pour solution injectable
Vaccin combiné contre les virus IBR, PI3, BVD et VRSB, en suspension injectable
Vaccin inactivé contre la kératoconjonctivite infectieuse bovine, en suspension injectable
Vaccin combiné contre les virus PI3, BVD et VRSB, en suspension injectable
Vaccin inactivé contre l’entérotoxémie, le tétanos et la maladie du charbon, en suspension injectable
Services apparentés
To get an accurate diagnostic it's essential to perform a good post mortem technique. Here you can learn how to do it easy & smart and also check the different lesions you can find depending the disease (We will only talk about respiratory and reproductive diseases).
An innovative service based on data analysis that facilitates decision-making in Cattle
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