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EPISODE #7: Avian Metapneumovirus: Types, Diagnosis and Control


In this new episode, we will talk about a disease that is increasingly seen in poultry vaccination programs, avian metapneumovirus. Additionally, we will update on the global situation of the virus and the new trends in disease control.

Enrique Carceller Sebastià 

Degree in Veterinary Medicine from the University of UCH CEU Valencia. Master in animal production from the Complutense University of Madrid along with the Polytechnical of Madrid. Experience in animal production, especially in the Broiler, Broiler breeder and hatchery production. Currently working as Global Product Manager in the Poultry Business Unit in HIPRA.




Luciano Miccio

Degree in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Buenos Aires. Extensive experience in poultry farming (broiler, broiler breeders, layers and hatchery), as well as experience in diagnostic techniques. He has held responsibility positions as technical director of HIPRA Argentina, currently occupying the position of Technical & Marketing Manager of HIPRA Italy.