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Hiprasuis® Glässer and Mhyosphere® PCV ID present at XX Congresso Nacional da Abraves in Brazil


This October, HIPRA actively participated in the XX Congresso Nacional da Abraves held in Porto Alegre, Brazil, under the theme "Producing pigs for a sustainable future".

The week started with a HIPRA satellite event where we had the presence of Dr. Virginia Aragón, researcher expert in Glässer's disease, who shared among other things the impact of the withdrawal of perinatal antibiotic treatments in piglets. Together with her, customers from Brazil, but also veterinarians and pig farmers from Colombia, Argentina and Peru, shared successful experiences in the control of Glässer's disease, moving from antibiotherapy to prevention with the use of Hiprasuis® Glässer in different scenarios.


Lidia de Lucas, Global Product Manager, closed the event sharing the tools that HIPRA makes available to its customers to maximise vaccine performance and analyse the cost-effectiveness of its use.

The following day, customers had the opportunity to see first-hand the operation of the biologics manufacturing plant as well as HIPRA BRAZIL's diagnostic centre in Lami.

hipra brazil

During the rest of the week, HIPRA was present at the congress with a stand focused on the Mhyopshere® PCV ID vaccine and Hipradermic® where different demonstrations were given to customers. In parallel, 150 veterinarians attended an event where we presented the advantages of animal welfare and traceability offered by the intradermal application with the Hipradermic® device.

With all these actions, HIPRA reaffirms its commitment to disease control through prevention, providing state-of-the-art solutions to improve the quality of pig protein with high levels of sustainability and animal welfare.